Calculate your cost of ChiliDataWarehouse®
Our pricing model is simple and transparent.
How much does it cost?
ChiliDataWarehouse® is a SaaS solution.
You only pay monthly operating costs for the solution. This is calculated according to the length of the update interval (6, 12, or 24 hours).
Costs include
- Setup of your own instance in the MS Azure Swiss Cloud
- Regular backups of HubSpot data to the SQL database according to your chosen plan
- Ongoing operations and basic support Monday through Friday, 08:00 to 17:00
Costs do not include:
- 24/7 hours support
- Support for analyzing the data in a BI tool
Three service packages to meet your needs
- HubSpot data updates every 24 hours
- EUR 900/year (excl. VAT)
- Free for 2 weeks
- HubSpot data updates every 12 hours
- 1 Instant backup per day
- EUR 1,190/year (excl. VAT)
- Free for 2 weeks
- HubSpot data updates every 6 hours
- Up to 3 instant backups per day
- EUR 1,490/year (excl. VAT)
- Free for 2 weeks